Friday, June 18, 2010

First Post

So, after months and months of thinking that I should start a blog, I have decided to start one. I mean, a person can only watch so many episodes of "Who's The Boss" in a row without deciding that they should do something else...and this seemed do-able. The truth is that I miss writing, and this should give me a chance to do more of that. Writing, like everything else that isn't percussive, has taken a backseat in my life as I strive to keep growing my professional music career. I think that it'll be especially good for me to have another creative outlet, now that I've professionalized my first one.

I've been thinking a lot about inspiration and passion today...what inspires us to do good, and what inspires us to waste time. How inspiration can be such a life-changing thing...and how it can also be fleeting. It's amazing to me that one conversation with my father and one video (that of the Beatles on Ed Sullivan for the first time) inspired me to start drumming, something that has shaped the rest of my life. On the other hand, how many times have I become so passionate about something for a fleeting moment, only to see it fade quickly? Most people currently posting on Facebook about the World Cup won't watch another soccer game for years after it's over...but will question your patriotism if you say you don't care about it. A few months ago, "Team Coco" was everywhere. Now, most have returned to Letterman or started watching Leno. Why is it that some things stick with us so passionately, and other things...even those things that seem so important in the moment...fade to the point where you have to be reminded what it was you were fighting for? Is it something in our internal make-up? Are there certian issues that matter to us chemically, biologically? Does God create us to each have certain passions in our lives, but many of us get so distracted that we never find them? The truth is, I rarely meet people who are as passionate about anything as I am about drumming. There are many people who don't do ANYTHING...they work, go home, watch tv, sleep, rinse, and repeat. Are they meant to be that way, or did they just miss their true calling, their true passion, the thing that inspires them? Is that person who says "Nothing" every single time you ask them what they are up to actually boring, or are they an amazing painter...who has never picked up a brush? Do people know how full their lives can be...or am I missing the fact that those lives are full in a different way, just because I have such an obvious passion. Maybe I'm the one who is missing something, because I'm not content with that kind of simple lifestyle. Who am I to judge?

What inspires you? What are you passionate about?


  1. That's right on man. You're not crazy. At least, not with this post. We have all been given passions and desires. Most people don't chase them. The first question is, what are our passions? The second question is, who are they for? These are good questions and observations you're making.

  2. i'm passionate about paying off debt. ES LOCOOOOOOOOOOOO
